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Rangatahi website development

Chala Chase • June 20, 2021
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20th June 2021
Rangatahi Website Development Workshop
We had the oppurtunity to have, Chala Chase (Awa Digital) teach some of our rangatahi the ins and outs of websites, photography and videography. These skills will help with capturing precious moments within hui, on and off Aotea, for generations to come to enjoy.

By Chala Chase October 13, 2020
October 18th, 2020
By Chala Chase July 16, 2020
25th July 2020 - 11am
By Chala Chase July 16, 2020
Welcome back Rodney has previously served multiple years on the Trust, some of those as Chair. We are pleased to have him home and sharing his knowledge and experience with us. Below is a message from Rodney, reintroducing himself to you all. "Tenei te mihi atu nga whanau whanui o te taku haukainga o Kawa. My tipuna ko Nupere raua ko Rihipaia, ko Tane raua ko Raiha. Ko Nupere raua ko Te Miringa oku matua, Ko Rodney Ngawaka ahau, here to care, support, love and look after our whanui Mauri ora." - Rodney Ngawaka
By Chala Chase May 13, 2020
Rangatahi Manaaki Packs Rolling out Rangatahi Manaaki Packs to our Ngatiwai Rangatahi in Tamaki! These packs include Hygiene items to lift the confidence of our Rangatahi, and phone top up vouchers or fuel vouchers to help them stay connected or support them in travelling to mahi! Nga mihi Ngatiwai Trust Board mo o koutou tautoko!
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