Ko Ngawaka Pukehuia raua ko Raihi Maika Nohomutu Reweti oku tipunaKo Nupere Ngawaka toku koroua Ko Rihipaea Davies toku kuiaKo Te Ruawai Ngawaka raua ko Freda McGee oku matuaKo Jan Ngawaka Piahana ahau.
My kaumatua approached me ~ 2012 to serve on Kawa Marae Trust Board . My role was to secure funding to complete our whare tipuna, and to support the opening of our Marae facilities in 2014. This fulfilled the moemoea of our tipuna who dedicated the whenua as a meeting place for our people of Aotea.
I have a Postgraduate Diploma in Business – Maori Development, from the University of Auckland, and my passion is a better future for our mokopuna.